[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--Yiddish Transcription Assistance Sought
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Wed Mar 9 20:21:07 EST 2011
Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements
March 9, 2011
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From: samsunjek at yahoo.com
Received: Fri Feb 25 10:12:42 2011
I have in my possession a 52 min dvd recording of my late Grandfather
documenting his amazing personal stories surviving/escaping from Poland
during the Holocaust. He told me and my family many of the stories
throughout our lives but this (Yiddish) recording is a gem as it captures
his expressions, emotions, and perhaps even untold details.
Over a year ago I decided to try to find help in an effort to have this
translated to English and transcribed (ultimately to have English
subtitles to his recorded video/voice). My hope was to complete the
project and surprise my family (extended family of over 25 cousins who
don't know his story very well) and ultimately provide them with copies of
the video so that they can carry his stories and remember his incredible
It's been very difficult to find someone who would consider modest charges
for these services, despite the content and nature of the project and I
simply haven't been able to afford it.I finally found a kind woman who
hashelped with the translation for a reasonable price and found the
dialect to be similar to her own.The next step:I'm hoping that I can find
someone who could help with the transcription. I can pay for the service
but am somewhat limited.I've contacted most major organizations, seeked
out survivors that might be able to help, and graduate language programs
with no success.
If you or someone you know might be able to help I would love to hear from
you. Please feel free to email me with any thoughts or suggestions.
Thank you.
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