[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--Applications to the Pesakh Fiszman Memorial Scholarship Fund, SUmmer 2011

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Mon May 16 21:49:32 EDT 2011

Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements

May 15, 2011

To minimize wear and tear on the untershames, three requests:
1. Send time-sensitive notices well in advance.
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Date: Tue, 10 May 2011 09:30:19 -0400
From: Nikolai Borodulin <nikolaib at circle.org>
Subject: Applications to the Pesakh Fiszman Memorial Scholarship Fund 
Summer 2011

A ruf nokh aplikatsyes tsum Pesakh Fishman ondenk stipendye fond, zumer 

Der Arbeter-Ring bot on dem zumer a tsol spetsyele stipendyes funem Pesakh 
Fishman ondenk stipendye fond far yunge studentn un libhobers fun yidish, 
yinger vi 35 yor alt, zikh tsu bateylikn in hayyoriker "vokh in 
yidishland", Yuli 10-17, 2010, bay undz oyf der zumer-datshe "Circle 

Di vokh bashteyt fun teglekhe yidish klasn far ale madreyges mit onerkente 
yidish lerers, kunst- un kultur-programen, ovnt-unternemungen un azoy 
vayter. Di stipendye vet dekn helft fun algemeynem batref: klasn, 
internat-voynung, esn un programen far bloyz $30 a tog.

Lozt nit oys aza oysnemlekhe gelegenhayt zikh tsu lernen yidish.

Shikt tsu dem Pesakh Fishman ondenk stipendye fond ayer perzenlekhn briv, 
biz 500 verter, un derklert:

1.Far vos ir vilt zikh lernen yidish oyf snay / vayter

2.Vi ir vet oysnitsn ayer yidish kentenish un di kultur yerushe

Shikt ayer briv nit shpeter vi 31 May, 2011, tsum adres:

Workmen's Circle (Attn Nikolai Borodulin)
P.O. Box 354
New York, NY 10116-354
Blitspost adres: Nikolaib at circle.org

Call for Applications to the Pesakh Fiszman Memorial Scholarship Fund 
Summer 2011

In memory of beloved Yiddish teacher Pesakh Fiszman, the Workmen's Circle 
is underwriting several scholarships for young adult students (under 35) 
to enroll in "A Week in Yiddishland" (July 10-17, 2011) at our Circle 
Lodge summer retreat with daily Yiddish classes, a stellar teaching staff, 
arts and culture programs and more. The scholarship covers  of all 
expenses including classes, food and dormitory-style boarding making the 
cost only $30 a day! Don't pass up on this invaluable summer learning 

To apply to the Pesakh Fiszman Memorial Scholarship Fund,  please send a 
personal statement (max 500 words) including the following:
1. Why you want to learn/continue learning Yiddish
2. How you will share and transmit your Yiddish cultural legacy

The deadline for scholarship applications is Monday, May 31, 2011.

Call us: 212-889-6800 ext 203

Email: Nikolaib at circle.org

Email: Workmen's Circle (Attn Nikolai Borodulin)
P.O. Box 354
New York, NY, 10116-354

Please do not use the "reply" key when writing to Mendele. Instead, direct 
your mail as follows:

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HTML or the like) to:

victor.bers at yale.edu (in the subject line write Mendele Personal)

Material for postings to Mendele Yiddish literature and 
language,i.e.inquiries and comments of a non-commercial or publicity 

      mendele at mailman.yale.edu

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Submissions to regular Mendele should not include personal email 
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In order to spare the shamosim time and effort, we request that 
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