[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--Film on the Bund in Israel

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Sun Nov 20 13:08:42 EST 2011

Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements

Nov. 20, 2011

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Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 12:29:37 +0200
From: Eliezer Niborski <zydek13 at mscc.huji.ac.il>
Subject: Film on the Bund in Israel

Tayere Mendele-leyener
Ot vos es shraybt Eran Torbiner, a yunger yisroeldiker film-rezhisor, vos 
hot itst farendikt a film vegn dem Bund in Yisroel:

Dear comrades and friends,
On May Day 2006 I was invited to celebrate with the members of the 'Bund' 
in Israel, took my video camera and thought it will be a one-time occasion 
but it became a long political and personal journey. Today, finally, 
through the support of some friends, modest financial support from Yiddish 
and research institutes and many loans I succeeded in completing the film.
I'm happy to say that the last survivors of the 'Bund' like it very much 
and I'm very proud with it.
Attached a link to the opening of the film:

article on the Bund that was published in Haaretz in July

I'm offering you to order this DVD for 100 NIS / 20~B / $30 which includes 
shipping. Supporting the film by ordering more than one copy or paying a 
higher price would be greatly appreciated.
You can send payment by credit card using www.paypal.com (click on "send 
my account is erantor at gmail.com or if you prefer you can send a cheque to 
my address.
I'll send you the DVD immediately.

Technical note:
The length of the film is 48 minutes, it's with English and Hebrew 
(The languages in the film are Hebrew and Yiddish) and it's in PAL, The 
Broadcasting system in Europe and Israel.
Those of you from other areas will be able to watch it on your computers.
Please forward this e-mail to friends who might be interested.
In solidarity
Eran Torbiner
Shulamit 8
Tel-Aviv 64371

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