[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--NY Premiere and Miama Showing:iWHEN OUR BUBBAS AND ZEYDAS WERE YOUNG:THE SCHAECHTER SISTERS ON STAGE
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Sun Jan 15 14:23:22 EST 2012
Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements
Jan. 15, 2011
To minimize wear and tear on the untershames, three requests:
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Tayere Mendelyaner:
An exciting new Yiddish film (with English subtitles)
("Ven undzere bobe un zeydes zenen geven yung:
Di Shekhter-tekhter af der bine")
Premieres inNew York City andMiami!
1) The film, An Ergo Media Release,is directed and produced by
Josh Waletzky,Academy Award-nominated filmmaker
best known for his films "Image Before My Eyes" and "Partisans of Vilna."
The Musical Director/Pianist: Binyumen Schaechter.
The featured perfomers: native Yiddish-speaking actors/singers
Reyna & Temma Schaechter (granddaughters of Dr. Mordkhe Schaechter, o"h).
2) The film is having its WORLD PREMIERE
Sunday, January 22, 2:00 PM at the YIVO Institute in the Center for Jewish
15 West 16 St. (betw. 5th & 6th Ave), New York, NY 10011.
Premiere to be followed by a Q & A with the director and performers.
DVDs will then be available for purchase and signing.
Tickets: Click here or call 212-868-4444.
3) The film has also been officially selected for the MIAMI JEWISH FILM
to be premiered Tuesday, January 24, 3:00 PM at the Regal Cinema South
1120 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach, FL 33139.
Tickets: Click Here or call 888-585-3456.
4) Di Shekhter-tekhter have their own website! Click Yiddishsisters.com
to read about the performers, their shows and the film,and to see excerpts
from previous performances, photo stills from the film being premiered,and
quotes about the film from Theodore Bikel, Mike Burstyn and Tovah
5) A few notes about the NYC / World Premiere:
A. We recommend that you get your tickets early, because we expect that
the event will sell out.
B. Seating is General Admission. So while acquiring your tickets early
will guarantee you a seat, arriving early on that day will guarantee you a
*choice* of seat. (Early: 25-30 minutes before.)
C. If you try to acquire your tickets and you get a message "Sold Out",
don't despair - there well may be last-minute cancellations. We recommend
checking the YIVO website periodically for newly available seats.
D. If you do get your tickets in advance but then find out that you can't
make it, please cancel your reservation, as this will allow others to
attend this special event in your stead.
E. If you have any questions that are not answered here or on the links
given, feel free to be in touch with binyumens at gmail.com
Mir hofn az mir veln aykh zen dem 22stn! We hope to see you on the 22nd!
Binyumen Schaechter, Muzik-direktor
WHEN OUR BUBBAS AND ZEYDAS WERE YOUNG: The Schaechter Sisters on Stage
Velt-premyere fun film: 01/22/12, 2:00 nokh mitog in YIVO, in shtot
Nyu-york. Biletn: Do.
Oysgeklibn farn Miami Jewish Film Festival
"Di Shekhter-tekhter" www.yiddishsisters.com
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,announcements of events, commercial publications, and questions not of
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