[Mendele] (no subject)

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Mon Jul 23 16:55:24 EDT 2012

Mendele: Yiddish literature and language

Contents of Vol. 22.0004
July 23, 2012

1) bakhmalyet (Alan Shuchat)
2) Glikl Hamels memoirs (Avi Gold)
3) Glikl Hamels memoirs (Josh Cappell)
4) Glikl Hamels memoirs (Kathryn Hellerstein)
5) Know-it-all (David Fillingham)
6) Flukhkes (Irv Goldfein)
7) gehakte vundn (Martha B. Helfer)
8) song lyrics sought (Joe Mankowitz)

Date:  June 29
Subject: bakhmalyet

My late uncle, from Kamenets-Podolsk, used the word bakhmalyet. I
think he meant  something like sad or disappointed. I haven't found
this word in dictionaries. Does anyone know what it means and its

Could it be related to the Hebrew khemlah (khet mem lamed hay),
meaning compassion  or pity?

Alan Shuchat

Date: 28 June
Subject: Glikl Hamels memoirs

There is, in fact, an edition of Glikl of Hamlin that was published in
bilingual format in  Israel: with the original Yiddish text facing the
Hebrew translation of Chava Turiansky. It  ws published by Magnes
Press in 1996, under the title:

Glikl: Zichronos 1691-1719

I hope this helps.

Zayt gezunt,
Avi Gold

[Moderator's note: a similar response was received from Elvira Groezinger.]

Date: June 28
Subject: Glikl Hamel

In response to the Glikl Question / a tshuva tsu der "Glikl" frage:

The recently published Hebrew-Yiddish edition (edited by Chana
Turniansky, published  y Merkaz Zalman Shazar) contains the full text
of the original as well as useful scholarly annotation- including what
Glikl meant to say every time she misquotes a Sefer or what the actual
source is when she misattributes a reference.

di anumlt gedrukte tsveyshprakhike ausgabe (redaktirt fun Khana
Turniansky fun Farlag Zalman Shazar Tsenter) halt on dem gantsn tekst
un oykh zeyer nutslekhe forsherishe  bamerkungen aynshlisndik vos
Glikl iz geven oysn tsu zogn ven zi hat gemakht a toes in  a tsitat
fun an ander seyfer vos is geven der rikhtiger kval far epes ven zi
hot gegeben a fargrayztn kval.

see / zey

http://www.shazarbooks.co.il/bookDetails.asp?book=3D322[1] OR


This is by far the best edition published of Glikl due to
completeness, scholarship and translation + original (unlike the JPS

S'iz on keyn sofek di beste ven s'iz oysgabe fun glikl far
shleymesdikeyt, forsherung, far hobn i taytsh i targum (nisht vi di

Josh Cappell

Date: June 28
Subject: Glikl Hamel

1.Re. Scholarly edition of the Yiddish text of Glikl-- see CHAVA
Turniansky, ed. and trans (into Hebrew) Glikl -- zikhroynes,
(Jerusalem, 2006).

2.Re translation website for Yiddish literature, the National Yiddish
Book Center has a huge new project to promote and coordinate
translation of Yiddish literature into English.
It's on the NYBC website.
Kathryn Hellerstein

Date: June 28
Subject: know-it-all

Hello Mendele,

I propose a makher-shmakher.

David Fillingham

Date: July 5
Subject: Flukhkes

"Fluchkes" is the formal English title of a 2011 Israeli Documentary
film. In all the PR blurbs, "fluchkes" is described as "Yiddish for
flabby arms." The closest I can come to understanding that is the
possibility that the term is actually related to "platshke." I'd
appreciate any other suggestions or enlightenment.

Irv Goldfein

Date: July 15
Subject: gehakte vundn

For some time now, my family has been puzzling over a phrase my mother
used to use, something like "gehochte vinten" or "gehakte vinten,"
meaning some thing like "the far ends of the earth" or maybe "out in
the boonies." Now, we don't know whether this is Yiddish (or some
perversion thereof), or perhaps a family coinage.  We also may not be
remembering the phrase correctly.

Any ideas what this might be?

Thanks, and best,

Martha B. Helfer

Date:  June 30
Subject: song lyrics sought

Just snippets of what I can remember of the original words

Es loyfn, es yogn
shvartse volkn,
Un es brumt di vind

Fun Siber shraybt dayn tate ......
...... eyntsik kind ...
that's all I can remember

Joe Mankowitz
End of Mendele Vol. 12.004

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