[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Tue May 8 20:06:23 EDT 2012
Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements
May 8, 2012
To minimize wear and tear on the untershames, three requests:
1. Send time-sensitive notices well in advance.
2. Send material as plain text:no HTML, other coding, or attachments;and
write MENDELE PERSONALS in the subject line.
3. Correspond directly with the person who or organization which has
posted the notice,
*not* with your ever-beleaguered untershames.
[Yale is currently undertaking a transformation of its email system.
Peculiar, perhaps ugly, format malformations might be a temporary side
effect of the process.]
From: SCZUCKER at aol.com <mailto:SCZUCKER at aol.com>
Date: May 4, 2012
Subject: “Candles of Song” now with audio
Dear Mendelyaner,
I'm pleased to tell you that audio is now available at my blog: Candles
of Songs: Yiddish Poems about Mother. You will be able to hear a reading
of each of the poems in Yiddish (by me). You will find the recording at
the very top left of each posting. The name of the poem in Yiddish is
given in
transliteration in blue letters followed by the word "audio". To access
the audio just click on those words. I hope this will add to your
enjoyment and appreciation of these poems.
Candles of song can be found at: http://shevazucker.com/blog
You don’t need to subscribe. You simply need to go there whenever you wish.
The first post for May is My Mother - In place of the stone that would
have marked her grave by Rokhl Korn
The posts for April were:
Week 12. Celia Dropkin – I Will Run Away
Week 11. Chaim Leib Fox - My Mother Lights Sabbath Candles
Week 10. Celia Dropkin - My Mother
Week 9: Rajzel Zychlinsky - My Father's Letters from America
Previous postings:
Week 8: Kadya Molodowsky - Women-Poems
Week 7: Mani Leyb - My Mother
Week 6: Rashel Veprinski - From My Slender Limbs; If
Week 5: Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath - Mother
Week 4: Rajzel Zychlinsky - My Child Knocks
Week 3: Rajzel Zychlinsky - Mama
Week 2: Malka Heifetz Tussman - How Did You Get So Wise, Mama
Week 1: Rashel Veprinski - Piously
Each poem is given in Yiddish, transliteration and English translation.
It is my hope that you will enjoy the poems and that they will become
something of a resource for people seeking poems about mothers.
Tayere Mendelyaner,
Ikh bin tsufridn aykh tsu lozn visn az s’iz itst do klang ba mayn blog:
Liderlikht: Yidishe lider vegn mames. Ir kent hern a forleyenung fun
yedn fun di lider af Yidish (ikh leyen). Di rekordirung gefint zikh same
oybn af der linker zayt, di ershte shure fun yeder vokhs “sedre”. Ir vet
zen dem nomen fun dem lid in transliterirte bloye oysyes un nokh dem dos
vort AUDIO af English. Ikh hof az dos vet tsugebn tsu ayer hanoe un
farshtand fun di lider.
Liderlikht gefint zikh do: shevazucker.com/blog
Ir darft zikh nit farshraybn, ir darft nor geyn ahin ven ir vilt.
Dos ershte lid dem khoydesh (May) iz Mayn mamen - onshtot a matseyve af
ir umbakantn keyver fun Rokhl Korn
Di lider vos ikh hob geshtelt in April zaynen:
Vokh 12: Tsilye Dropkin – Ikh vel antloyfn
Vokh 11: Khayem-Leyb Fuks – Mayn mame tsindt likht
Vokh 10: Tsilye Dropkin – Mayn mame
Vokh 9: Reyzl Zhikhlinski – Mayn tates briv fun Amerike
Frierdike lider:
Vokh 8: Kadye Molodovski – Froyen-lider
Vokh 7: Mani Leyb – Mayn mame
Vokh 6: Rashel Veprinski: Fun mayne shlanke glider; Ven
Vokh 5: Gitl Shekhter-Vishvanat – Mame
Vokh 4: Reyzl Zhikhlinski – Mayn kind klapt
Vokh 3: Reyzl Zhikhlinski – Mame
Vokh 2: Malke Kheyfets-Tuzman – Vi azoy bistu klug gevorn, mame
Vokh 1: Rashel Veprinski – Frum
Yedes lid vert gegebn af Yidish, transliteratsye un in der englisher
iberzetsung, Klang nor af Yidish.
Ikh hof az ir vet hanoe hobn fun di lider un az Liderlikht vet vern a
shtikl resurs far mentshn vos zukhn lider vegn mames.
Please do not use the "reply" key when writing to Mendele. Instead, direct your mail as follows:
Responses to Mendele Personal Notices& Announcements should be sent directly to the person whom or organization which posted the item.
Material for posting in Mendele Personal Notices& announcements,typically ,announcements of events, commercial publications, and questions not of general interest to the membership,should be sent to:
victor.bers at yale.edu <mailto:victor.bers at yale.edu> (IMPORTANT! in the subject line write "Mendele Personal")
Material for postings to Mendele Yiddish literature and language, i.e, inquiries and comments of a non-commercial or publicity nature:and likely to interest the membership in general, should be sent to
mendele at mailman.yale.edu <mailto:mendele at mailman.yale.edu>
IMPORTANT: Please include your full name as you would like it to appear in your posting. No posting will appear without its author's name. Submissions to regular Mendele should not include personal email addresses, as responses will be posted for all to read. They must also include the author's name as you would like it to appear.
In order to spare the shamosim time and effort, we request that
contributors adhere, when applicable, as closely as possible to standard English punctuation, grammar, etc. and to the YIVO rules of
transliteration into Latin letters. A guide to Romanization can be found at this site:
http://www.yivoinstitute.org/about/index.php?tid=57&aid=275 <http://www.yivoinstitute.org/about/index.php?tid=57&aid=275>
All other messages should be sent to the shamosim at this address:
mendele at mailman.yale.edu <mailto:mendele at mailman.yale.edu>
Mendele on the web:http://mendele.commons.yale.edu/
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