[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements: New Bilingual Book of Dybbuk Parodies

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Wed Oct 3 19:31:27 EDT 2012

New Bilingual Book of Dybbuk Parodies

 Tsiterboym Books announces the publication of Parodies of An-sky’s
“The Dybbuk,” which includes four parodies of the play, translated
with notes by Fernando Peñalosa. The original text and the translation
are on facing pages. Three are in Yiddish: “Der dibek”/“The Dybbuk”, a
poem by Yoysef Tunkel; Mitn koyekh fun dibek/With the Dybbuk’s Power,
a one-act play by Menakhem Kipnis and Moyshe Bunem Yustman; and “Der
dibek afn hoyf”/“The Dybbuk in the Courtyard,” a narrative spoof by
Menakhem Kipnis. The other parody is in Hebrew: Hadibbuk
behakumkum/The Dybbuk at the Kumkum, by Avigdor Hameiri. All the
parodies poke good-natured criticism at the play, the characters, and
well known theatre persons and political figures from life in interwar
Eastern Europe and Mandate Palestine. 0 pp., illustrated. Tsiterboym
Press, 2012. Available at Amazon.com. $10.00

Fernando Peñalosa <cosio at cox.net>

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