[Mendele] Mendele Vol. 22.010
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Sat Feb 9 21:16:30 EST 2013
Mendele: Yiddish literature and language
Contents of Vol. 22.010
February 8, 2013
1) Death of Joseph Landis (Nora Glickman)
2) Call for MLA Papers: Joseph C. Landis, In Memoriam (Alan Astro)
3) 16th Symposium for Yiddish Studies in Germany, 16-18 September 2013
(Marion Aptroot)
4) "Der feter flegt gebn tsu farzikhn dos ey" (Jane Peppler)
5) Steiner Summer Yiddish Program (National Yiddish Book Center)
6) Mickey Katz lyrics sought (Joshua London)
7) Findjan (Itzhak Luden)
8) translation of Yitzhak Erlichson's "Mayne fir yor in soviet-rusland"
(Maurice Wolfthal)
Date: January 20
Subject: death of Joseph Landis
We mourn the passing of Joseph Landis, on Sunday, January 6, 2013. He had
served as
the Editor of Yiddish/Modern Jewish Studies since 1975. Joe was a vehement
advocate of
Yiddish literature. His many translations (The Dybbuk and Other Great
Yiddish Plays,
1966), his personal recollections of the Yiddish world (Memoirs of the
Stage, 1984), and his numerous, insightful articles chronicle the growth of
literature, its importance and its gradual fading after the second World
War. Joe's essays
brought vigor to Yiddish language and literature, and made it accessible to
American readers. At Queens College, the Yiddish and Jewish Studies Program
under his leadership throughout the nineteen sixties and seventies, in
particular with his
Sholem Aleichem Festivals, which attracted many Jewish celebrities and the
interest and
participation of the New York Jewish communities.
Nora Glickman
Date: February 6
Subject: Call for MLA Papers: Joseph C. Landis, In Memoriam
The American Association of Professor of Yiddish (AAPY) is soliciting
proposals for
MLA papers on topics studied by Joseph C. Landis, the late founder of our
His interests included, but were certainly not limited to, An-sky, Asch,
Leivick, Philip Roth, Isaac Bashevis Singer and Yiddish theater memoirs.
Yiddish sources do not have to be employed, but use of Joe's research or
would be very appreciated.
Please send abstracts of 150 to 300 words by March 15 to the AAPY liaison
to the MLA: Alan Astro at aastro at trinity.edu.
FYI: The MLA will take place in Chicago on January 9-12, 2014. We make sure
that our session does not occur on or too close to the Sabbath.
Date: January 22
Subject: 16th Symposium for Yiddish Studies in Germany, 16-18 September 2013
The 16th Symposium for Yiddish Studies in Germany will be held 16-18
September 2013
at Trier University. This annual Yiddish Symposium is organized alternately
by the
Chairs for Yiddish Studies at the universities of Trier and Dusseldorf and
is intended to
offer students and scholars the possibility to present their research,
exchange ideas and
put forward questions for discussion.
You are invited to submit abstracts for 20 min. papers until May 1, 2013 to
jiddisch at uni-trier.de. Presentations can be held in Yiddish or German.
As usual, all fields of research within Yiddish Studies will be considered.
Interdisciplinary papers with a connection to Yiddish Studies are welcome.
The symposium is open to all interested in Yiddish Studies.
We are also happy to answer questions.
Marion Aptroot (Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf) and Simon Neuberg
of Trier)
Date: January 22
Subject: "Der feter flegt gebn tsu farzikhn dos ey"
Hello friends,
In a song about hamavdil, I encountered this phrase, "Der feter flegt gebn
tsu farzikhn
(farzukhn) dos ey."
The uncle said it's time to find the eggs? Is this an end-of-Shabbos custom
somewhere, or
have I entirely misread this line?
Jane Peppler
[Moderator's note: The southern Yiddish form "farzikhn" - to try (food) -
used by Jane
Peppler is given here in its Standard Yiddish pronunciation: farzukhn.]
Date: December 12
Subject: Steiner Summer Yiddish Program
Apply Now!
The Yiddish Book Center Steiner Summer Yiddish Program offers college
students a
seven-week, six credit, tuition-free, exploration of Yiddish language and
culture. The
program includes beginning and intermediate Yiddish language instruction
and Yiddish
culture classes. The program runs from June 9-July 26, 2013. Six
undergraduate college
credits will be available through the University of Massachusetts. Limited
subsidies are available, based on need. The 2013 Steiner Summer Yiddish
Program is
open to all full-time college students under the age of 26. To learn more
and to apply
(applications are due by February 10, 2013)
National Yiddish Book Center
Date: December 29
Subject: Mickey Katz lyrics sought
Does anyone know if the lyrics to any of Mickey Katz's spoof or comedic
Yiddish-English songs have been published and/or are otherwise available?
Thank you,
Joshua London
Date: January 24
Subject: Findjan
Bella Bryks-Klein has brought. Itzhak Luden's reply to the queries
concerning the
Yiddish version of Findjan:
As to the question who translated Haim Hefer's song Findjan into Yiddish, I
have the
pleasure to inform you that the authorized translator of his song was I,
Itzhak Luden. In
1967, Haim Hefer asked me to translate his song.
Ikh hob dem Findjan ibergezetst tsuzamen mit andere lider un a greserer
tsol "makames"
vos zenen in zelbn yor glaykh nokh der zeks-tagiker milkhome gevorn
durkh Amikam Gurevitch in Farlag "Amikam" in album-forem gehilt in yuta un
fun dem velt-barimtn "Dada" - kinstler Marcel Yanku a. n. "Misdar
Halokhamim" un in
mayn yiddisher iberzetsung a.n. "Kemfer-parad" mit an araynfir-vort fun dem
Levi Eshkol spetsyel far der yidisher iberzetsung.
Itzhak Luden, Tel Aviv
The authorized text is below:
"Der Findjan" / Haim Hefer
Yidish: Itzhak Luden Muzik: Armenisher Folks-motif
Der vint blozt on afher, s'iz kalt
Derlangt a por tsvaygn fun vald
Un vifil s'iz koyekh faran
Dos fayer tseblozt mitn flam.
Es tsindn zikh flamen
Mir zingn tsuzamen
Arum geyt arum der findjan
Tsuzing: Tra, Tralala. un azoy vayter
Vos iz do tsu redn a sakh?
A mayster iz er in dem fakh
Git kave un tsuker un dan
Nor tsugisn vaser in kan
Dan tsvey mol afkokhn
Azoy vi farshprokhn
Arum geyt arum der findjan
Tsuzing: Tra, Tralala. un azoy vayter
Dermont der findjan zikh di nakht
Ven khevre gekumen fun shlakht
Vi Motkele mit zayn nagan
Gevorfn fun kas hot zikh dan.
Es klingt nokh in oyer
Der tsar un der troyer
Arum geyt arum der findjan
Tsuzing: Tra, Tralala. un azoy vayter
Es geyen di yorn farbay
Un s'kumen af doyres funsnay
Keyn fremder vet keynmol farshteyn
Fun zemer dem zin un dem kheyn.
Der kenfer vet konen
Zikh tomid dermonen
Dem eybikn krayz fun findjan
Tsuzing: Tra, Tralala. un azoy vayter
Date: February 4
Subject: translation of Yitzhak Erlichson's "Mayne fir yor in
I am pleased to announce the publication of my translation of the Gulag
memoir, Mayne
fir yor in sovyet-rusland(My Four Years in Soviet Russia), written by
Yitzhak Erlichson,
first published in 1953. It will appear in April.
Maurice Wolfthal
End of Mendele Vol. 22.010
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