[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements--Mark Glanville's "Di Sheyne Milnerin'"/ 'Die Schone Mullerin.'

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Mon Jan 14 07:34:37 EST 2013


Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements

January 14, 2013

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From:Yiddish Winterreise <yiddishwinterreise at gmail.com>
Date: Jan 11 (3 days ago)

We're delighted to announce the release today of our new CD in
America. 'Di Sheyne Milnerin' takes its cue from the great Schubert
cycle, 'Die Schone Mullerin.'
As in the original, it tells a tale of unrequited love but using songs
from the rich Yiddish tradition. You can order or download it online


Here's what the press think so far:

'This is all as heart-rending as the Schubert cycle and the music,
though completely new to me, conveys the feelings just as graphically
as Schubert’s does...
This is a fascinating issue and I urge readers to give it a try. It is
music off the beaten track, but that’s where one often makes the real
discoveries.' Musicweb International

'Glanville captured perfectly the characteristic melancholy of Yiddish
music. His bass-baritone voice projects very well: it is powerful yet
not overbearing...
 Knapp’s imaginative piano arrangements are highly intricate yet still
flow beautifully.' Bachtrack

'In sum, anyone who enjoys the Lieder repertoire will relish this
quirky and original twist on that art form.' International Record



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    victor.bers at yale.edu (IMPORTANT! in the subject line write
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      mendele at mailman.yale.edu

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