[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements--Shekhter program: D"r Miryam Trinh vet redn vegn der nayer Khaim Grade-Arkhiv at Yivo, July 13

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Wed Jul 9 09:56:05 EDT 2014

Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements

July 6, 2014

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From: shevayidishlige at aol.com

Mir farbetn alemen af der yerlekher program lezeykher D”r Mordkhe un
Tsharne Shekhter z”l vos vet forkumen dem zuntik, Yuli dem 13tn, 2014, 1 a
zeyger n”m in Yidishn visnshaftlekhn institut – YIVO, 15 Vest 16te gas,
Manhetn. Di program vert durkhgefirt fun der Yidish-Lige in eynem mit dem
Di hoyptrednern vet zayn D”r Miryam Trinh, forsh-stipendyantke in Dzhanz
Hopkins-Universitet (Baltimor). D”r Trinh hot bakumen di khosid
Rakolin-stipendye bam YIVO. Ir rede, “Dem YIVOs nayster oytser: Der Khaim
Grade- un Ine Heker-Grade-Arkhiv” vet zayn an ershter araynfir in dem nayem
farkhapndikn arkhiv fun dem groysn yidishn shrayber, vos der YIVO hot zikh
letstns ayngeshafn beshutfes mit der natsyonaler biblyotek fun Yisroel.
Yidish-muziker Binyumen Shekhter, zun fun Mordkhe un Tsharne Shekhter, vet
redn vegn “Mayn tate, Mordkhe Shekhter.”A rirndike program lider vet
forshteln di zingern un lider-shraybern Miryem-Khaye Seigel, bagleyt fun
pyanist Steve Sterner. Forzits: Gitl Shekhter-Vishvanat.
Kibed vet servirt vern. Arayntret fray. Zayt azoy gut un rezervirt:

We invite all to the Annual All-Yiddish Program in Memory of Dr. Mordkhe
and Charne Schaechter  z"l  which will take place this Sunday, July 13,
2014, 1:00 P.M. at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 15 West 16th
St., Manhattan. The event is co-sponsored by the The League for Yiddish and
The main speaker will be Dr. Miriam Trinh, Postdoctoral Fellow, Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore and recipient of the Choseed-Racolin
Fellowship at YIVO who will speak on "The YIVO's Newest Treasure: The Chaim
Grade and Ina Hecker-Grade Archive" and will provide an initial
introduction into the fascinating archive of famed Yiddish writer Chaim
Grade and Ina Hecker-Grade, recently purchased in cooperation between the
YIVO and the National Library of Israel.
Binyumen Schaechter, son of Mordkhe and Charne Schaechter, and a leading
figure in the Yiddish musical world, will speak on "My Father, Mordkhe
Schaechter." The musical program will feature singer, songwriter Amanda
(Miryem-Khaye ) Seigel, accompanied by pianist Steve Sterner.  Chair: Gitl
Light refreshments will be served. This event is free and open to the
public. Please reserve: 212.294.8301 x.5167;


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    victor.bers at yale.edu (IMPORTANT! in the subject line write "Mendele

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      mendele at mailman.yale.edu

 IMPORTANT:  Please include your full name as you would like it to appear
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