[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements--JewJamSouth, a four-day celebration of Jewish choral music, Yiddish song and klezmer music this August in Clayton, GA!
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Tue Jun 3 12:43:46 EDT 2014
Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements
June 3, 2014
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* _____________________________________________________*
Join us for JewJamSouth, a four-day celebration of Jewish choral music,
Yiddish song and klezmer music this August in Clayton, GA!
JewJamSouth will take place on August 10-13, 2014, at Ramah Darom’s campus
in the beautiful North Georgia mountains. The event is designed for
passionate Jewish choral singers, klezmer instrumentalists, Hebrew and
Yiddish singers and their families. Whether you are an experienced
practitioner or a newcomer, this four-day festival will offer a feast of
musical inspiration, ideas and fun.
JewJamSouth is open to people of all levels and backgrounds, and no
previous experience is needed. Beginners are welcome.
Throughout the four days, you’ll have a chance to participate in a hands-on
ensemble program and study, perform and be mentored by world-renowned
Hazzan David Tilman, Program Director
Hazzan David Tilman is Adjunct Associate Professor at the H.L. Miller
Cantorial School of the Jewish Theological Seminary and the choral director
at Keneseth Israel in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania. He also serves as Hazzan
Emeritus of Beth Sholom Congregation, where he created a nationally
recognized five choir program.Hazzan Tilman is an award-winning, life-long
conductor who has traveled around the world and received numerous awards,
including the first Moshe Nathanson Award in conducting and the the Samual
Rosenbaum Award for lifelong achievement from the Cantor’s Assembly. His
travels have included trips to Germany, Havana and Chile, but he is also
well-loved right here at home, as he has been the music director of Camp
Ramah in Wingdale and Nyack, as well as at the Brandeis Bardin Institute in
Simi Valley, California.
Jeff Warschauer, Co-Director
Jeff Warschauer is a Founding Artistic Director and Senior Artistic Advisor
of the KlezKanada Institute for Yiddish/Jewish Culture and the Arts, is on
the faculty of Columbia University in New York, and is a graduate student
in Cantorial Music and Modern Jewish Studies at the Jewish Theological
Deborah Strauss, Co-Director
Deborah Strauss is an internationally acclaimed klezmer violinist, an
award-winning children’s educator and a highly-regarded Yiddish dancer and
dance leader.
The Strauss/Warschauer Duo
For over 25 years, Deborah Strauss (violin, accordion, vocals, dance) and
Jeff Warschauer (guitar, mandolin, vocals) have been at the forefront of
the international klezmer and Yiddish music scene. They were both long-time
members of the Klezmer Conservatory Band, one of the premiere groups of the
klezmer revival, and have performed with legendary violinist Itzhak Perlman
on film and in concert. They are renowned worldwide for their depth of
experience and knowledge, and for their innovative performances,
residencies and workshops.
The event will culminate in a one-of-a-kind joint choral/klezmer gala
•Come enjoy a breathtaking view and gourmet Kosher cuisine among new
•Experience formal and informal Hebrew, Yiddish and Israeli singing and
•Participate in choral and klezmer ensembles formed by JewJamSouth
•Enjoy a full klezmer concert and dance party with the world-famous
Strauss/Warschauer duo, pioneering performers of the klezmer revival;
•Learn new musical skills and repertoire to bring back home with you.
Email Bennie Cohen at bcohen at ramahdarom.org with any questions, and
register now, as spots are filling up quickly!
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