[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements--Yiddish Language Courses at Workmen's Circle, Boston

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Sat Sep 6 17:54:42 EDT 2014

Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements

Sept. 6, 2014

To minimize wear and tear on the untershames, three requests:

1. Send time-sensitive notices well in advance.

2. Send material as plain text to victor.bers at yale.edu as plain text (no
HTML, other coding,or

attachments and write MENDELE PERSONALS in the subject line.

3. Correspond directly with the person who or organization which has posted
the notice, *not* with your ever-beleaguered untershames.


*FALL 2014*


*at Workmen’s Circle, 1762 Beacon St, Brookline*

FOR MORE INFORMATION, please call us at 617 566-6281,

email circle at workmenscircleboston.org or check out our website:

*10 evenings, 7:30 – 9:00 p.m., starting Tues eve Sept 30 *

*Beginner* (*Tues nights*):  Learn Yiddish reading, conversation skills and
elementary grammar. This course will suit you whether you’re totally new to
Yiddish or if you already know a few basics. Students who don't yet know
the Hebrew alphabet will be asked to come to class a half hour early for
the first few sessions. A textbook, songs, games, films and other
multi-media materials will be used.  Instructor: Max Edwards.

*Advanced Beginner** (**Tues nights**):*   Designed for students from our
Beginner class last year and for new students who already know some Yiddish
reading, writing and speaking, this course will help you build
conversational vocabulary, strengthen your grammar and develop reading
skills. In addition to use of a textbook, students will also read simple
short stories and poems, practice speaking, play games, and sing Yiddish
songs. Instructor: David Schlitt.

*Intermediate* (*Tues nights*):  Students will read short stories, in
Yiddish, by a variety of Yiddish authors.  English translations and/or
glossaries will be available.  Students should be somewhat proficient in
reading Yiddish, and comfortable using Yiddish dictionaries. Grammatical
constructions and idiomatic expressions will be explored as they occur in
the readings. Instructor: Jordan Schuster.

*Advanced Level Yiddish Reading and Writing *(*Tues nights*):  This is a
course for those with Yiddish reading fluency who want to enhance writing
and speaking abilities.  Using selected pieces of Yiddish literature the
curriculum will start with simple factual discussions and evolve to
conceptual, nuanced writing and conversation.  Authors to be considered
will include: Elie Wiesel, Avraham Reisen, I.B. Singer, and Avraham
Karpanovitch. Instructor: Lillian Leavitt.


*Max* *Edwards* is currently an MTS candidate at Harvard Divinity School in
Jewish Studies. Max began studying Yiddish in the YIVO Uriel Weinreich
Summer Program in New York City. Since then, he has spent time studying
Yiddish and Yiddish culture on Yiddish Farm, at the Boston Workmen's
Circle, and most recently, at the Vilnius Yiddish Institute in Vilnius,

*Lillian Shporer Leavitt*, a daughter of Shoah survivors, grew up speaking
Yiddish and was graduated from the Boston Workmen's Circle Yiddish shule. A
former computer software trainer, she is an experienced Yiddish teacher and
translator, having taught at the Workmen's Circle, Gann Academy of Greater
Boston, Boston University, and Brandeis University, as well as subtitled
Yiddish films for the National Center for Jewish Film.

*David Schlitt *is a Ph.D. candidate in history at the University of
Michigan and is in the rabbinical training program at Hebrew College in
Newton. He served as a Graduate Fellow at the Yiddish Book Center in
2010-2011, and majored in Yiddish Studies at Columbia University.  He has
taught at the Midtown- and Upper West Side Workmen's Circle *shuln*, and
taught the Beginner class at Boston Workmen’s Circle last year.

*Jordan Schuster* is a first year rabbinical student at Hebrew College in
Newton.  While previously working on a PhD in Yiddish and Comparative
Literature at Columbia University, Jordan taught classes in Elementary
Yiddish language and Biblical Hebrew grammar.  As a research assistant,
Jordan was also responsible for translating a slew of Yiddish primers
published by the Arbetering from the 1920s and 30s.

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*Tuition rates:*

*Member* $165.  *Non-Member* $220.

*Special Young adult rates (under 30 yr old):*  Member $99.  Non-member $150


*►ON-LINE AT http://circleboston.org <http://circleboston.org>      *

*►BY CREDIT CARD: Call the Workmens Circle office* at 617 566-6281

*►BY CHECK:  *Send in your check, made payable to Boston Workmen’s Circle
and Mail to: 1762 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA  02445.  Please be sure to
indicate which class you’re interested and include your address/


Please directly your response directly to the person whom or organization
which posted the item.

Material for posting in Mendele Personal Notices  and
announcements,typically announcements of events, commercial publications,
and questions not of general interest to the membership,should be sent to:

    victor.bers at yale.edu (IMPORTANT! in the subject line write "Mendele

Material for postings to Mendele Yiddish literature and language
i.e,inquiries and comments of a non-commercial or publicity nature and
likely to interest the membership in general, should be sent to

      mendele at mailman.yale.edu

IMPORTANT:  Please include your full name as you would like it to appear in
your posting.  No posting will appear without its author's name.
Submissions to regular Mendele should not include personal email addresses,
as responses will be posted for all to read.  They must also include the
author's name as you would like it to appear.

In order to spare the shamosim time and effort, we request that
contributors adhere, when applicable, as closely as possible to standard
English punctuation, grammar, etc. and to the YIVO rules of transliteration
into Latin letters. A guide to Romanization can be found at this site:


All other messages should be sent to the shamosim at this address:

mendele at mailman.yale.edu

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