[Mendele] Mendele Vol. 24.008

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Mon Feb 9 10:54:36 EST 2015

Mendele: Yiddish literature and language

Contents of Vol. 24.008
February 9, 2015

1) In Bruklin in a shtibl (Eliezer Niborski)
2) Yiddish stories in transliteration (Shaul Seidler-Feller)
3) OCR of the complete works of Sholem Aleichem (Refoyl Finkel)
4) Shtot (Chaim Werdyger)

Date: January 24
Subject: In bruklin in a shtibl

[See Volumes 24.006-7] Dos iz Mani Leybs a lid:


di noyt

in bruklin in a shtibl,
on vent un on a dakh,
hot zikh gevoynt an oreman
mit kinderlekh a sakh.

un dort bay zey in shtibl
iz nit geven keyn broyt,
vayl dort, in shtibl, hot mit zey
gevoynt di groye noyt.

der oreman flegt oyfshteyn
az shlofn flegt di velt,
un geyn tsu fus biz in nyu-york
fardinen epes gelt.

un az di zun flegt oyfgeyn
un biz di zun fargeyt –
di kinder flegn veynen shtark:
– oy mame, mame, broyt!

di groye noyt flegt zitsn
baym oyvn oyf a shteyn
un zen alts un freyen zikh
un sharfn mit di tseyn.

di mame flegt dos zen
un veynen shtilerheyt
un treystn ire kinderlekh:
– vos darft ir, kinder, broyt?

ir veyst dokh, az der tate
iz in nyu-york avek.
er vet aykh brengen fun nyu-york
tsvey groyse, fule zek, –

tsvey fule zek mit khales,
mit epl un mit nis,
mit kikhelekh un shokolad
un tort vi honik zis.

di kinder flegn hern,
zey hobn zikh gefreyt,
un flegn shoyn dem gantsn tog
nit betn mer keyn broyt.

un shtilinke un gute,
gevart biz shpet bay nakht
un zen tsi der tate hot
tsvey zek aheym gebrakht!

der oreman flegt kumen
bay nakht, farzorgt un mid,
un zogn tsu di kinderlekh:
– haynt hob ikh gornisht nit.

di kinder nemen veynen:
– oy broyt, a shtikl broyt!
der tate shvaygt, di mame ziftst
un vintsht oyf zikh dem toyt.

di groye noyt baym oyvn –
zi zitst zikh oyf ir shteyn,
un zet alts un freyt zikh alts,
un sharft zikh alts di tseyn.

nor eyn mol hot getrofn,
geshlofn iz di velt,
der oreman geyt in nyu-york
fardinen epes gelt.

ot ersht iz er fun shtibl
tsu fus azoy avek, –
un plutslung kumt er bald tsurik
un trogt tsvey fule zek.

tsvey fule zek mit khales,
mit epl un mit nis,
mit kikhelekh un shokolad
un tort vi honik zis.

un nemt di kinder vekn, –
er vekt zey un er lakht:
– shteyt oyf, ir libe kinderlekh,
zet vos ikh hob gebrakht!

nu, hot men dos in shtibl
a bisl zikh gefreyt! –
nor nit gefreyt hot zikh mit zey
di beyze, groye noyt.

fun shrek iz zi gevorn
a kleyne, kleyne gril,
un iz farkrokhn unter dil
un hot tseveynt zikh shtil.

mit di beste grusn
eliezer niborski

Date: January 26
Subject: Yiddish stories in transliteration

To address the question of Lewis Santer [24.007] about resources available
for those interested in reading Yiddish in transliteration only, see here:

Shaul Seidler-Feller

[Moderator’s note: Maurice Wolfthal suggested the same link.]

Date: January 29
Subject: OCR of the complete works of Sholem Aleichem

I have run an OCR program on the complete works of Sholem Aleichem (Buenos
Aeres edition from the 1950s, NYBC scans) and placed the result in a
searchable archive:


You can search based on any word or phrase, in Yiddish letters.  You can
leave off marks (nekudes, the rofe line), in which case the search finds
matches with any marks, or you can include them, to specify particular

Example: You wonder what sort of adjectives Sholem Aleichem uses with the
noun "khalystre".  Search for that word (you need to spell it in Yiddish
letters: khof-alef-...).  You see ten results; at present my program limits
the output to the first ten matches.  The first match is from volume 2 of
the series, page 262 (in NYBC numbering; p 263 in the internal numbering).
You see the adjective "gantser".  You can then look further and find
"freylekhe", "hipshe", and several more "gantser".

I would like to crowd-source fixing the OCR.  To that end, I have placed a
"redagir di zayt" button on each page you get back from a query.  I am
still constructing/modifying the web pages you see if you click that
button.  At the bottom is a place where you can sign up to be an editor.
Authorized editors will be able to save the results of their changes.  I
have not yet implemented that feature, though.


Date: February 8
Subject: Shtot

I am looking for the source of the word 'shtot' not as a city but as a
permanent seat in the synagogue as in 'koyfn a shtot far di yomin toyvim’.

Chaim Werdyger

End of Mendele Vol. 24.008

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