[Mendele] MENDELE PERSONAL NOTICES & ANNOUNCEMENTS--Seeking apartment in NYC during Weinreich Program

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Sun Apr 3 11:52:49 EDT 2016


April 3, 2016

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>From Sheva Zucker
Date: March 31, 2016
Subject: Looking for lodgings

Yiddish follows English
Dear Mendelyaner,

We are looking for a reasonably-priced apartment in NYC for approximately 7
weeks from around June 19th to August 7 while I teach in the Uriel
Weinreich Summer Program in Yiddish Language, Literature & Culture.
Manhattan (including Washington Heights and Inwood) or Brooklyn (not too
deep) would be fine. There will be 3 of us, my husband, our 22 year old
daughter, and myself. 2 or 3 bedrooms would be ideal. The apartment may or
may not be kosher. We do not smoke or have pets. Please be in touch with
me, Sheva Zucker by email sczucker at aol.com. Thank you very much. Sheva

Tayere Khaveyrim,

Mir zukhn a dire in Nyu-York af an erekh 7  vokhn dem zumer, fun arum dem
19tn Yuni biz dem 7tn Oygust beshas ikh vel lernen in der
Vaynraykh-zumer-program in yidisher shprakh, literatur un kultur inem
Tsenter far yidisher geshkhte. Di dire volt gekent zayn in Manhetn
(arayngerekhnt Vashington Hayts un Invud ) oder in Bruklin (nit tsu tif).
Di dire ken zayn a koshere oder nit kin koshere. Mir veln zayn 3 mentshn,
mayn man, undzer 22 yorike tokhter un ikh. 2 oder 3 shloftsimern volt geven
ideal. Mir hobn nit kin khayes un reykhern nit.

Ir kent zikh farbindn mit mir af dem adres: sczucker at aol.com

A dank,

Sheve Tsuker

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