[Mendele] MENDELE PERSONAL NOTICES & ANNOUNCEMENTS-- Digitization of Lebns-fragn Online

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Wed Jul 13 20:45:21 EDT 2016

From: Bella Bryks Klein <kleinfam at netvision.net.il>
Date: Fri, 01 Jul 2016 00:14:04 +0300

English text below after the Yiddish text:

Tayere fraynd fun yidisher shprakh un kultur:

Mir freyen zikh aykh mitsuteyln, az es iz sof-kol-sof farendikt gevorn mit
hatslokhe der fuler proyekt fun digitalizirn, fun onheyb bizn sof, di
"Lebns-fragn" – di letste tsaytshrift vos iz aroysgegangen in meshekh fun
63 yor oyf yidish in medines yisroel vi der organ funem yisroeldikn

Fun itst on zenen ale zaytlekh fun yedn numer tsugenglekh far yedn forsher
un historiker fun der yidisher gezelshaftlekher, politisher un
kultur-geshikhte in meshekh fun di 63 yor, un far yedn libhober fun yidishn
vort un bukh, velkhe veln do gefinen a shlal fun informatsyes un visn mit
oytsres fun historisher khshives.

Dem proyekt hot sponsirt fun zayn yerushe undzer getrayer leyener un fraynd
Pinkhas (Piniek) Krishtal (Varshe 1919 – Melburn 2009) un es hot im
oysgefirt di natsyonale bibliotek fun Yisroel in Yerushalayim


In der zelber tsayt iz oykh fartik gevorn der tsveyter numer fun "Fraye
Lebns-fragn" in an oysgebreyterter oyflage, vi a min yidisher" Reader's
Digest", an elektronisher hemshekh fun der gedrukter origineler oysgabe,
vos iz geshlosn gevorn in Yuni 2014 un iz itst gevorn digitalizirt. Ir kent
es leyenen oyf:


Mir hofn az ir vet leyenen mit hanoe.

Der Arbeter-Ring in Yisroel

Dear friends of Yiddish language and culture,

We are delighted to inform you that the digitization project of all the
published issues of the “Lebns-fragn” – the last Yiddish journal in the
State of Israel which was printed consecutively for 63 uninterrupted years
as the organ of the Arbeter-ring in Israel  - has successfully been

Every page of every issue is now accessible to researchers and historians
of Jewish social, political and culture history as well as to lovers of the
Yiddish language and books. They will find a treasure trove of information
and knowledge of historical importance.

The digitization project was sponsored by the last will of our devoted
reader and friend Pinkhas (Piniek) Kristal (Warsaw 1919 – Melbourne 2009)
and was carried out by the National Library of Israel in Jerusalem:


At this time, we are also pleased to inform you that the second issue of
the “Free Lebns-fragn” has now been completed in a broadened version as a
type of “reader’s digest”. This can be viewed at:


We hope you will have pleasure reading the new issue.

Arbeter-Ring - Brith Avodah in Israel

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