[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements--Comprehensive English-Yiddish Dictionary: Special Offer from the League to Yiddish

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Sat Oct 29 09:13:31 EDT 2016

Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements
Oct. 28, 2016

To minimize wear and tear on the untershames, three requests:

1. Send time-sensitive notices well in advance.
2. Send material as plain text to victor.bers at yale.edu as plain text (no
HTML, other  coding, or attachments) and write MENDELE PERSONALS in the
subject line.
3. Correspond directly with the person who or organization which has posted
the notice, *not* with your ever-beleaguered untershames.


Yiddish follows English:

The long-awaited Comprehensive English-Yiddish Dictionary, published by
Indiana University Press in partnership with the League for Yiddish, is
available for purchase from the League for Yiddish. Order today. Become a
member of the League for Yiddish and get a 20% discount on the dictionary
if you join and order by November 15, 2016.  See the prices below.


This will be your go-to Yiddish-language reference book for decades to
come. To read more about the dictionary see the article written by Joseph
Berger in the New York Times:

.... Containing nearly 50,000 entries and 33,000 subentries, the
Comprehensive English-Yiddish Dictionary emphasizes Yiddish as a living
language that is spoken in many parts of the world. The late Mordkhe
Schaechter collected and researched spoken and literary Yiddish in all its
varieties; this landmark dictionary reflects his vision for present-day and
future Yiddish usage. The entries, ranging (literally) from agriculture to
zoology, include words and expressions used by professionals and tradesmen,
in synagogues, in schools, on the street, in the military, at home and in
intimate life — wherever Yiddish-speaking Jews lived and worked — and can
be found in Yiddish literature, newspapers and other sources of the written
word. Included as well are thousands of entries reflecting contemporary
topics, such as technology and computer science.
.... The editors-in-chief of the dictionary are Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath
(Yiddish-language editor of Afn Shvel, Yiddish poet, and colleague of Dr.
Schaechter during the first years of the project) and Dr. Paul Glasser
(former Dean of the Max Weinreich Center for Advanced Jewish Studies at the
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research). The associate editor is Dr. Chava
Lapin (Yiddish professor, scholar and language expert).

Dictionary prices:
Non-members of the League for Yiddish: $60 each
Members of the League for Yiddish: $54 each
New 1-year individual membership (including subscription to Afn Shvel) + 1
copy (20% off): $98
New 1-year student membership (including subscription to Afn Shvel) + 1
copy (20% off): $73
Bulk discount:
    5+ copies: 10% discount = $54 each
    10+ copies: 15% discount = $51 each
    20+ copies: 20% discount = $48 each
Institutional member: $54 each

(Membership in the League for Yiddish: Regular $50; Full-time Student $25;
Institution $75)

For more info contact:  info at leagueforyiddish.org

Dos lang oysgekukte Arumnemik English-Yidish-Verterbukh iz shoyn aroys fun
druk un iz do tsum bakumen ba der Yidish-Lige. Bashtelt haynt! Vert a nayer
mitglid fun der Yidish-Lige un krigt a hanokhe fun 20% oyb ir bashtelt  biz
dem 15tn November 2016! Zet di prayzn do untn.


Dos bukh vet befeyrish zayn dos vikhtikste Yidish-aynkukbukh ba aykh af di
politses. An artikl vegn dem verterbukh iz aroys inem New York Times:


Mit 50,000 eynsn un 33,000 subeynsn heybt dos naye verterbukh aroys Yidish
vi a lebedik loshn vos me redt nokh alts in farshidene ekn velt. D’’r
Mordkhe Schaechter o’’h hot geforsht un gezamlt dos geredte un literarishe
Yidish in ale zayne formen; ot dos historishe verterbukh shpiglt op zayn
vizye far a modernem un tsukunftikn banits fun Yidish. Di raykhkayt fun
dialektishe andershkaytn un historishe antviklungen zeen zikh on in eynsn
het fun alef biz tof un nemen arayn verter un oysdrukn vos me ken s’rov
gefinen in der Yidisher literatur, tsaytungen, un andere mekoyrim. Dos
verterbukh vet tsushteln Yidish-reders – vu zey zoln nisht lebn, arbetn un
shmuesn – di neytike verter vos hobn zey biz itst oysgefelt af Yidish.

Di hoypt-redaktorn fun dem verterbukh zenen Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath
(stil-redaktor bam Afn Shvel, Yidishe poetese, un mitarbeterin mit D’’r
Schaechtern in di ershte yorn funem proyekt) un D’’r Hershl Glasser
(gevezener dekan funem Max Weinreich-tsenter bam YIVO). Der asotsiirter
redaktor iz D’’r Khave Lapin (Yidish-profesor un Yidish-kenerin

nisht-mitglider fun der Yidish-Lige $60 an ekzemplar
Mitglider un der Yidish-Lige $54 an ekzemplar
Naye 1-yorike mitglidershaft (nemt arayn abonement afn Afn Shvel) + 1
ekzemplar (hanokhe af 20 protsent): $98
Naye 1-yorike studentn-mitglidershaft (nemt arayn abonement afn Afn Shvel)
+ 1 ekzemplar (hanokhe af 20 protsent): $73

5+ ekzemplarn: hanokhe af 10% = $54 an ekzemplar
10+  ekzemplarn: hanokhe af 15% = $51 an ekzemplar
20+  ekzemplarn: hanokhe af 20% = $48 an ekzemplar
Institutsyoneler mitglid: $54 an ekzemplar
Mitglidershaft in der Yidish-Lige: stam $50; fultsaytike studentn $25;
institutsyes $75.

Kedey tsu krign nokh informatsye shraybt af: info at leagueforyiddish.org

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In order to spare the shamosim time and effort, we request that
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also include the author's name as you would like it to appear.

In order to spare the shamosim time and effort, we request that
contributors adhere, when applicable, as closely as possible to
standard English punctuation, grammar, etc. and to the YIVO rules of
transliteration into Latin letters. A guide to Romanization can be
found at this site:

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