[Mendele] Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements--Sherlock Holmes in Yiddish
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Tue Mar 10 15:56:16 EDT 2020
Mendele Personal Notices and Announcements
March 10, 2020
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From: L Barry Goldstein <Barry Goldsteinbarry_goldstein at post.harvard.edu >
Mar 5, 2020
A Study in Scarlet
A Shtudye in Sharlekh
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The first Sherlock Holmes book
Translated by Barry Goldstein
Coming (not very) soon: Moby-Dick / Mobi-Dik
More at the translator’s web-page: http://www.bgoldstein.org
Pride and Prejudice (Vol. I) / Gayve un Forurtl (Band I)
The House At Pooh Corner / Dos Hoyz in Pu-Vinkl
Sailing Alone Around the World / Zeglen Eyner Aleyn Arum der Velt
The Hobbit / Der Hobit
The Lord of the Rings / Der Har fun di Fingerlekh
Shackleton’s Endurance / Oyshalt in the Antarctic
“The Winter Journey” / “Di Vinter Nesie”
The Pickwick Papers / Di Pikvik Papirn
The Color of Magic / Der Kolir fun Kishef
The Wind in the Willows / Der Vint in di Verbes
A Shtudye in Sharlekh
Ser Artur Konan Doyl
Dos ershte Sherlok Holmz bukh
Ibergezetst fun Berish Goldshteyn
(Nit zeyer) bald aroys: Moby-Dick / Mobi-Dik
Noch mer oyfn iberzetsters vebzaytl: http://www.bgoldstein.org
Pride and Prejudice (Vol. I) / Gayve un Forurtl (Band I)
The House At Pooh Corner / Dos Hoyz in Pu-Vinkl
Sailing Alone Around the World / Zeglen Eyner Aleyn Arum der Velt
The Hobbit / Der Hobit
The Lord of the Rings / Der Har fun di Fingerlekh
Shackleton’s Endurance / Oyshalt inem Antarktik
“The Winter Journey” / “Di Vinter Nesie”
The Pickwick Papers / Di Pikvik Papirn
The Color of Magic / Der Kolir fun Kishef
The Wind in the Willows / Der Vint in di Verbes
Barry Goldsteinbarry_goldstein at post.harvard.edu
124 Otis Street
Newtonville, MA 02460https://www.bgoldstein.org
Tek: +1-781-248-3214
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