[nativestudies-l] 4/9: Joy Harjo, Muskogee Creek poet, at Center for British Art

Alyssa Mt. Pleasant alyssa.mt.pleasant at yale.edu
Tue Apr 8 14:30:15 EDT 2008

Please forward to your lists:

*Please join us for a poetry reading*

*by acclaimed poet Joy Harjo*

*on Wednesday, April 9th, at  4 pm*

*at the **Yale Center for British Art, 1080 Chapel Street (please note 
venue change)*.

Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, poet Joy Harjo is an enrolled member of the 
Muskogee Tribe. She is the author of many collections of poetry, 
including /How We Became Human: New and Selected Poems/, /A Map to the 
Next World: Poems/, /The Woman Who Fell From the Sky/, which received 
the Oklahoma Book Arts Award, and /In Mad Love and War/, which received 
an American Book Award. She has received the Delmore Schwartz Memorial 
Award, the American Indian Distinguished Achievement in the Arts Award, 
the Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund Writer's Award, the William Carlos 
Williams Award from the Poetry Society of America, and the Woodrow 
Wilson Fellowship.

For more information about Joy Harjo and examples of her work visit:

This event is co-sponsored by the Yale Collection of American Literature 
at the Beinecke Library and the Native American Cultural Center at Yale. 
The reading is free and open to the public.
For additional information about poetry at the Beinecke Library visit: 
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