[nativestudies-l] Save the Date

Theo Van Alst theo.vanalst at gmail.com
Fri Apr 11 12:00:55 EDT 2008



University of Connecticut
Native American Cultural Society Office
Theo. Van Alst, Coordinator: #860-486-9755
theodore.Van-Alst at uconn.edu

Mikki Aganstata: #860-953-5286
spaul9460 at sbcglobal.net

Presenting and Representing Indians in Connecticut: a Public Forum about HB
5141, An Act to Create A Commission on Native American Indian Affairs

Storrs, CT April 17, 2008

The Native American Cultural Society Office at the University of Connecticut
at Storrs invites you to a public forum regarding important legislation
currently working its way through committees in the Connecticut General
Assembly, "Presenting and Representing Indians in Connecticut:
A public forum about HB 5141, An Act to Create A Commission on Native
American Indian Affairs." The event will take place on Thursday, April 17,
2008, from 7 to 9 pm, at the Connecticut State Museum of Natural History and
CT Archaeology Center, 2019 Hillside Rd. Unit 1023, Storrs, CT.

The forum will feature a panel including Trudie Lamb Richmond
(Schaghticoke), Mikki Aganstata (Eastern Cherokee), and Sherman Paul
(Maliseet), which will be co-moderated by Debra Sharkey, appointee to CT
Indian Affairs Council by the Governor and Dr. Kevin McBride, Director of
the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center.  Dr. McBride is also an
Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Connecticut.

This is event is aimed at both the UConn Storrs campus and the larger public
in Connecticut, especially American Indian people who reside in the state
and those who are members of the five tribal nations whose homelands and
reservations are located here. The goal of the forum is to educate people
about this grass-roots effort by American Indian people and their non-Indian
allies in Connecticut.

Co-sponsors for this event include:

The Native American Cultural Society Office and
The Vice Provost for Multicultural and International Affairs

For additional information on HB 5141, An Act to Create A Commission on
Native American Indian Affairs, see:

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Theo. Van Alst
Native American Cultural Society Office
University of Connecticut
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