[nativestudies-l] CONF: June 19-20, 2008: Policy Analysis in Indian Country

Alyssa Mt. Pleasant alyssa.mt.pleasant at yale.edu
Wed Apr 23 12:29:31 EDT 2008

>From the INIT-THO list-serve:


*K'é Bil Nast'ii: Making Policy from Traditional Perspectives*

*Policy Analysis in Indian Country*

*Tsaile, Navajo Nation (AZ)*

*June 19-20, 2008*

Indian Country has yet to critically evaluate the policy-making and 
policy analysis processes it uses. These processes affect the 
implementation of traditional norms and values in Tribal policy settings.

 Policy analysis is often viewed as a benign process that does not 
impact the use of traditional principles. Yet, when examined carefully, 
policy analysis frames and problemitizes issues in a western frame. 
Analysts (e.g. attorneys, staff assistants, program directors/managers, 
elected officials, and researchers, and so forth) in Indian Country then 
work within that western frame, attempting to apply traditional values. 
This poses a problem as to validity of cultural appropriate policy 
outcomes. If the traditional value is framed in western notions, how 
then does the outcome promote traditional values? Policy analysis and 
policy-making impacts how traditional values and norms are used; 
autonomy over values and their use is given up to the dominant policy 
analysis and policy-making processes.

 This conference will shed light on the following questions:

.              How do Indigenous people create a policy analysis process 
based on Indigenous worldviews that sustains, supports and preserves 
traditional values and norms in contemporary policy settings?

.              How do Indigenous people create a shared governance 
policy framework that is also understood by non Indigenous society?

.              How do Indigenous people mitigate the negative impacts 
resulting from the usage of dominant policy tools in Tribal policy settings?

*For more information contact: *

* Diné Policy Institute*

*Post Office Box 96*

*Tsaile**, AZ 86556*

*Phone: (928) 724-6945*

*Fax: (928) 724-6837*

*mtbenally at dinecollege.edu <mailto:mtbenally at dinecollege.edu>*


init-tho listserv (4/23/08)

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