[nativestudies-l] Chamorro Self-determination and US colonialism in Guam

jkauanui at wesleyan.edu jkauanui at wesleyan.edu
Thu Apr 24 18:25:40 EDT 2008


For those who missed the episode of my show, "Indigenous Politics: From
Native New England and Beyond," this past Tuesday on WESU, you can listen
tonight at 8pm EDT (7pm CST; 5pm PST; 2pm HST) online.

The episode examines Chamorro self-determination, US colonialism in Guam,
and issues of decolonization and international law.  The show includes
interviews with activists Julian Aguon, Michael Lujan Bevacqua, and Sabina
Flores Perez.

There's another station that syndicates my program each week called, "The
Detour: The independent voice of Appalachia." To tune in, listen at:
Just click on "listen now" on the left hand column.

Mahalo, Kehaulani

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