[NHCOLL-L:99] space for tissue collections

Liz McGhee emcghee at museum.nhm.uga.edu
Thu Apr 15 14:51:52 EDT 1999

	I could use some help from those of you who maintain tissue
collections at your museums.  We are in the process of designing a new
museum bldg and will include space for a tissue collection.  What I need
are some suggestions regarding square footage necessary for the collection
area as well as associated work space.
	I don't really need a lot of detail but more about what you think
(in a perfect world) we should have in our museum for this type of
collection.  If you have additional info that you'd like to include,
however, it would be most welcome (equipment,  power requirements, etc.)
Thanks so very much.


M.Elizabeth McGhee - Asst. Curator
Mammal, Bird, Reptile and Amphibian Collections
Museum of Natural History
University of Georgia
Athens, GA  30602-1882

phone:     706-542-3940
fax:          706-542-3920

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