[NHCOLL-L:137] Database

Szito, Andras aszito at agric.wa.gov.au
Fri Apr 30 03:51:03 EDT 1999

Dear Holly

We are using an Access database for four years for databasing our insect
collection.  It has been developed for our specific needs by a computer
specialist and an entomologist.  There is so far about 83,000 entries in it.
It is searchable via Internet on http://www.agric.wa.gov.au/ento/  if you
click on collection.
If you are interested in it we can send you a copy for trial purpose (it has
limited entry facilities, if I remember correctly only 1000 specimen
entries).  We are not in the business of flogging databases but few
institute bought it from us for $AU 500.- nominal fees.
If you need any further assistance do not hesitate contact with Rob Emery
(Email: remery at agric.wa.gov.au)



Andras Szito

Agriculture Western Australia
Plant Research and Development Services
3 Baron-Hay Court, SOUTH PERTH, WA 6151
Tel: (+61 8) 9368 3248, (+61 8) 9368 3215
Fax: (+61 8) 9368 3223, (+61 8) 9367 2625
Email: aszito at agric.wa.gov.au

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