[NHCOLL-L:378] Position Posting - AAM

Elizabeth E. Merritt 74437.462 at compuserve.com
Sun Dec 12 16:24:28 EST 1999

Peer Reviewer Manager, American Association of Museums.
 A newly established position that will be responsible for developing and
supporting the Peer Reviewer Roster for Accreditation and the Museum
Assessment Program.  (Peer Reviewers conduct on-site museum assessments for
the Accreditation and Museum Assessment Program.)  Responsibilities include
recruiting, training and mentoring Peer Reviewers, and managing the Peer
Reviewer database.  This is a wonderful opportunity to cultivate
relationships with leading museum professionals throughout the country.
Minimum qualifications: B.A. and 3 years museum experience; excellent
people skills; experience with collecting, analyzing and reporting data;
proficiency with at least 1 relational database.  Desirable qualifications:
web literacy, experience with development and delivery of educational
programs, demonstrated experience with project management, supervisory
experience with staff or volunteers, prior service as a peer reviewer. 
Salary in the low 30's.  Submit cover letter, resume and three letters of
reference to AAM, 1575 Eye Street, Suite 400, Washington DC  20005-1105,
Attn: HR/PRM or fax to 202-289-6578 or email to hr at aam-us.org.  For more
information see our website at: www.aam-us.org.  

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