[NHCOLL-L:19] re: type specimens

Tim White tim.white at yale.edu
Mon Mar 15 10:22:22 EST 1999

Charlie, this was discussed a couple years ago.  A nice summary of the
discussion was posted in the SPNHC Newsletter (volume 12, n.1) by Beth
Merritt. I can send you a copy if you don't have access. 

>>>> Charles  Sturm <csturmjr+ at pitt.edu> 12-Mar-99 7:35:26 pm >>>
>I am new to this list and appologize if this topic has come up before.  I
>believe that in most institutions, type material (holotypes, paratypes,
>neotypes, cotypes, etc.) tend to be segregated from the general systematic
>and reference collections.  How do others handle figured specimens that
>are not types and topotypes, material from a type location that is not in
>and of itself from the material that a taxon was described from?  Do
>institutions segregate either or both of these classes or are they treated
>like any "run of the mill" specimen. Thanks for your input.


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* Tim White, Senior Collection Manager   (203) 432-3767 (Voice)	*
* Invertebrate Paleontology              (203) 432-9816 (Fax)		*
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