[NHCOLL-L:308] Cultural Entomology

scott magic srawdin at magic.fr
Tue Nov 2 12:21:16 EST 1999

Hello, Bonjour, 
In our thirst for entomological information, we are looking for publications concerning "Cultural Entomology".
Here are a few examples :
In at least two ethnic groups in Africa, certain Ant species are used as DIVINATORY methods to determine the quality of mothers' milk.
Many people on this list probably know of the multitude of species with APHRODISIAQUE potential - they are numerous . Often the same species is cited in different cultures, on the 5 continents. 
In Medical Anthropolgy, insects are often cited as being EMPLOYED as a THERAPY or CONSULTED (similar to DIVINATORY).
The Praying Mantis INSPIRED certain mouvements in Martial Arts. 

So my question is, has anyone any references to publications in which these issues are addressed ? 
Thank you,
Scott Rawdin

You may respond directly to me at this address :

 srawdin at worldonline.fr

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