[NHCOLL-L:325] assessment of donated specimens

Liz McGhee emcghee at museum.nhm.uga.edu
Mon Nov 15 11:56:00 EST 1999

	I have a question regarding evaluation of donated specimens, more
specifically birds.  When we receive a collection and someone wants to use
it as a tax deduction, our bylaws require that someone outside the museum
place a value on the donation.  A person we recommended once in the past
now is asking to be paid by the donor for the assessment.  My question is
this:  is it usual for the person evaluating the collection for tax
purposes to charge a fee to do this?
	I guess I have a couple of other questions as well:  do any of you
do these evaluations, do you charge, or can you recommend someone (or
several people) who do this?
	I know in the past, at least in the mammalogy community, these
types of assessments were done gratis as a favor to another curator.
	I'd appreciate any input any of you can give me.  Thanks.


M.Elizabeth McGhee - Asst. Curator
Mammal, Bird, Reptile and Amphibian Collections
Georgia Museum of Natural History
University of Georgia
Athens, GA  30602-1882

phone:     706-542-3940
fax:          706-542-3920

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