[NHCOLL-L:348] books

Holly I. McEntee hmcentee at facstaff.wisc.edu
Mon Nov 22 14:28:47 EST 1999

Hello again.  I would like to inform the group that the following volume
has been spoken for:

Erdl, M.P.  Entwicklung des Hummereies von den ersten Veranderungen im
Dotter an bis zur Reife des Embryo.  Munchen: J. Palm's Hofbuchhandlung.

Thank you very much.


Holly McEntee, Registrar
University of Wisconsin Zoological Museum
Lowell E. Noland Zoology Building
250 N. Mills Street
Madison, WI  53706-1794
Phone/Fax:  608-262-3766/5395
hmcentee at facstaff.wisc.edu

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