[NHCOLL-L:359] Re: more on boxes

Panza, Robin PanzaR at CarnegieMuseums.Org
Mon Nov 29 09:52:10 EST 1999

>>Some Box companies will send you samples before you buy. I STRONGLY
encurage you to take advantage of this.<<

I agree whole-heartedly with this warning.  Also ask how they measure the
boxes.  At a former employment, we just *could not* get the sizes right.  We
finally figured out the problem, but only after about a dozen (yes, dozen)
trials.  We were giving them outside dimensions (after all, that's what you
use to determine how they fit into drawers) but they used inside dimensions
to make the template for making the boxes.  They weren't able to calculate
the conversion between our outside dimensions and their inside dimensions,
and so were 'winging' it, getting different results every time.  


Robin K Panza                         panzar at carnegiemuseums.org
Collection Manager, Section of Birds          ph:  412-622-3255
Carnegie Museum of Natural History       fax: 412-622-8837
4400 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh  PA  15213-4008  USA

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