[NHCOLL-L:275] corrosive effects of dichlorvos (Vapona)

Christopher A. Norris norris at amnh.org
Fri Oct 8 09:51:10 EDT 1999

For the last two years, we've been regularly fumigating specimen cabinets
in the AMNH Department of Mammalogy using Vapona (dichlorvos). Recently,
however, we've begun to think about discontinuing prophylactic use of
Vapona, and instead using napthalene as a repellent. We'd still use Vapona,
but only for the treatment of pest outbreaks. The stimulus for this has
been concerns about the corrosive effects of dichlorvos on unpainted metals
- many of our study skins have tail wires inserted and we also have a large
number of specimens with metal field tags. 

The only evidence for corrosion that I have seen so far, however, is
annecdotal evidence based on specimens stored in jars containing Vapona,
and a 1976 paper by Janet Stone and Jennifer Edwards, again involving jars.
Has anyone using Vapona or other dichlorvos-based products observed any
corrosion in cabinet-housed specimens which they attribute to the fumigant?
Have there been any studies since that of Stone and Edwards?

Regards, Chris Norris
Dr Chris Norris
Department of Mammalogy
American Museum of Natural History

Tel. 212-769-5475
WWW. http://www.amnh.org/

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