[NHCOLL-L:281] MAP Services for Museums in Disaster Areas

Tim White tim.white at yale.edu
Wed Oct 13 16:53:29 EDT 1999

MAP Services for Museums in Disaster Areas

IMLS has announced that applicants for the FY2000 Museum Assessment Program
situated in current federally declared disaster areas (a list is available
at www.fema.gov <http://www.fema.gov/> ) can receive a two-week extension to
the upcoming November 1st, 1999 deadline. Please call IMLS at (202) 606-8539
to discuss your eligibility for an extension.  IMLS will also endeavor to
expedite funding for affected museums, to help get a MAP surveyor to you as
expeditiously as possible.

How can this help your museum if you were affected by the recent flooding?
The Institutional Assessment can focus on organizational issues related to
getting up and running again after a disaster: how to manage a drop in
income; rebuild infrastructure; communicate with your audience about your
closing, reopening and current needs; integrate recovery into your
long-range planning; and identify resources to help you implement this plan.
The Collections Management Assessment can focus on the short-term and
long-term issues involved in managing damaged collections.  It can help you
with planning for rebuilding collections; deaccessioning or conserving
damaged material; identifying alternate storage; talking to your insurance
claims adjustor; and using this experience to improve your disaster

Contact the MAP staff (phone: 202-289-9118, fax 202-289-6578, email:
map at aam-us.org <mailto:%20map at aam-us.org> ) about how we might assist in
your recovery process.  Remember that if you are ineligible for IMLS funding
for any reason, MAP is available on a fee-for-service basis.


*                                                                  *
* Tim White, Senior Collection Manager   (203) 432-3767 (Voice)    *
* Invertebrate Paleontology              (203) 432-9816 (Fax)      *
* Peabody Museum of Natural History      tim.white at yale.edu        *
* Yale University                        www.peabody.yale.edu      *
* 170 Whitney Ave., PO Box 208118                                  *
* New Haven, CT 06520-8118                                         *
* U.S.A.                                                           *
*                                                                  *

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