[NHCOLL-L:300] Looking for films or videos of insects

scott magic srawdin at magic.fr
Wed Oct 27 08:02:41 EDT 1999

Bonjour, Hello !

Last year I wrote informing the members of this list of our project for a
Documentary TV series for the French Television. Well, it finally has been
accepted and we pass on to phase two.

We will film some insects ourselves - hopefully with the same degree of
excellence as the film Microcosmos - but we will definitely need to use
footage from other sources as well.

We are looking for scientific films or videos of insects. We are interested
in showing their daily life, eating, mating, "playing" ... Every stage of
their life is of course potentially interesting.

The images will then be "integrated" into the separate documentaries
pertaining to each individual species.

Does anybody know where we could find such material ?

Thank you very much in advance.

You may respond directly to :  srawdin at magic.fr

Scott Rawdin

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