[NHCOLL-L:818] archival epoxy (again)

Tim Fedak fedaktj at gov.ns.ca
Sun Dec 17 13:56:45 EST 2000

{Please excuse the cross post.}

We have some dinosaur bones that have become very weak and easily damaged because the internal structure of the bone has suffered extreme shrinkage during drying (probably because of smectite clay mineralization).  

I need an epoxy with very low viscosity, that will fill the crevaces (1-2mm) within the bone.  I hope to inject the epoxy into small holes in the bone's surface; the end result might look something very much like a traditional plaster fill where pieces have been missing.

Without filling the bone during preparation it will be impossible to expose.  The exterior (lamellar) bone is still intact, but it is thin and not able to support the entire structure.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a low viscosity archival epoxy which might suit the tasks?  

I have found some information on a Buehler Product called Epo Thin.  Anyone had experience with this?

Tim Fedak

Lab Manager,
Fundy Geological Museum
Parrsboro, Nova Scotia

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