[NHCOLL-L:391] Institutional procedures for deaccessioning items

jackie hoff jhoff at smm.org
Mon Jan 10 18:37:21 EST 2000

Institutional procedure for deaccessioning items

I am writing to request a few minutes of your time.  The Science Museum
of Minnesota does indeed have a policy for deaccessioning –but the
policy only goes so far.  We are interested in the procedures after the
items have been given the ok for disposal.  If you have a detailed
policy/procedure and can pass it on – that would be great.  I will list
our issues and please let me know if you have any advice:
· Do you have standards and or guidelines for specific materials and or
objects for disposal?
· What are your actual methods of disposal after deaccessioning?
· Who does the disposal at your institution?
· Storage location for objects identified for disposal – is yours
centralized or located within each department?
· External distribution – do you keep a database of relevant
institutions and how extensive is it?
· How long do you keep looking for “homes” for these items before you
just give up – or do you give up?
· Do the curators negotiate trades/sales etc. themselves – or is that
function relegated to the collections department – or is it an
object-by-object basis?

Thank you so much for your input – feel free to contact me anytime, any
comments or advice would be appreciated!


Jackie Hoff
Collections Management Asst.
Science Museum of Minnesota
120 West Kellogg Blvd. 55102
E-mail: jhoff at smm.org


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