[NHCOLL-L:617] Re: Long term effect of compactus storage on wet specimens

Jean-Marc Gagnon JMGAGNON at mus-nature.ca
Tue Jun 20 08:54:06 EDT 2000

Dear Sue,
	I have the strong feeling that bad compactus storage systems may have some effects on preserved specimens but that a good, well-installed compactus system will have no noticable effect. At the Canadian Museum of Nature, we have been using a compactus system for only 3.5 years but its movement is very smooth, gentle and does not produce "jerky" movements on impact (i.e. when two units meet or reach the end of the rail) Movement of fluid in the jars is very insignificant. In addition, the fluid itself will normally serve as a motion buffer for the specimens. 

Hope that helps.

Jean-Marc Gagnon
Chief Collection Manager
Invertebrate Collections
Canadian Museum of Nature
jmgagnon at mus-nature.ca

>>> Sue Valis <suev at austmus.gov.au> 20 June 2000  2:07 am >>>
I would be very interested to hear if anyone has information on the
possible detrimental effects of compactus movement on wet collection,
caused either by the vibration of the compactus unit, or just by the 
motion of the preservation solution while the compactus is in use.  

Sue Valis
Australian Museum
6 College Street
Sydney NSW 2010

tel: +61 2 9320 6105
fax: +61 2 9320 6070

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