[NHCOLL-L:625] Re: bird skin storage tubes

Steve Halford halford at sfu.ca
Tue Jun 20 12:36:34 EDT 2000

I have used sheet polyester ("Mylar": University Products #415-4031,
larger sizes available) to "encapsulate" small bird skins for student use.

I roll the bird in a square of Mylar and secure the package by passing a
large needle threaded with linen thread through the Mylar and specimen at
the shoulders, wrap the ends of the thread round the roll and tie off.

I did up a set of six passerines for students to take bill measurements
on.  This was over ten years ago, and they've only managed to get the head
off one so far!


Steve (halford at sfu.ca)
Museum Technician
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C., Canada

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Paula Hildebrandt wrote:

> Does anyone have a source for clear plastic tubes (hopefully archival quality plastic) for storing bird study skins?  These are going to be used for teaching purposes, the objective being to protect the skin while being handled.
> If not, how about a roll of the plastic to make our own tubes?
> We have one or two possibilities but wanted to know if anyone else had a source they've liked.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> ...............................................
> Paula Hildebrandt             hildeb16 at msu.edu
> West Circle Drive             517/432-6205
> Michigan State University     FAX 517/432-2846
> East Lansing, MI 48824-1045  
> ...............................................

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