[NHCOLL-L:626] Re: Long term effect of compactus storage on wet specimens

John E. Simmons jsimmons at eagle.cc.ukans.edu
Tue Jun 20 12:38:20 EDT 2000

You need to speak directly with the company that makes the system, but I would
expect that the answer is that any particulates that get into the mechanism, be
it an electrical or mechanical system would be bad.  You should also try
collecting the particulate matter and seeing how acidic the particles are--its
possible that they might damage the metalic surfaces of rails, endpanels, or


> The
> area where we plan to put the compactors seems to get more than its share
> of this gritty soot.  Would these particulates affect the smoothness of the
> operation of manual compactors and in turn create more vibration and damage
> to specimens?  I imagine that it would, and would also contribute to a
> quick degredation of rails and moving parts.

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