[NHCOLL-L:723] MAP and Accreditation Assistance at Regional Meetings

Beth Merritt bmerritt at aam-us.org
Tue Sep 19 15:45:18 EDT 2000

Preparing for the November 1st application deadline for IMLS grants to fund
participation in the Museum Assessment Program?  Have questions about
Accreditation? Contact us at map at aam-us.org <mailto:map at aam-us.org>  or
accreditation at aam-us.org <mailto:accreditation at aam-us.org>  to make an
appointment to talk to a representative at the following upcoming
		American Association for State and Local History 
		Association of Midwest Museums 
		Mid Atlantic Association of Museums 
		New England Museums Association
		Southeastern Museum Association

Applications and program information will be available at the AAM booth at
all regional museum association meetings. 

For information on the Museum Assessment Program, Accreditation and the
application process, access the AAM Web site at www.aam-us.org

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