[NHCOLL-L:902] compactors revisited

Stuart Fullerton stuartf at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu
Thu Feb 15 08:01:09 EST 2001


In a surprise move yesterday i was asked by the department chair to gather
info re compactors for the renovation of the 1st floor of the biology
building which includes a renovation of the bug closet and related museum
range. the interest is in a small manual compactor (i do not have the
square footage available at the moment), fitted with movable shelves for
the liquid fish and herp collections. the second, a small manual compactor
upon which we can place the bird and mammal skin collections already in
Lane metal skin cabinets.  no compactors for the bugs but we will get the
extra space!.

anyone who can and will please communicate and provide me with names,
addresses, and phone numbers of compactor providers is invited to do so.
either to me directly or via the list servers.

thank you very very much in advance. sorry this is with short notice, i
leave town for two months in two weeks, and i just got asked last evening
at 3:30 P.M.  and this is florida - you know how we are ---- just check
our chad!. :)

thanks and cheers!


Stuart M Fullerton ROF, Research Associate in charge of Arthropod
Collections (UCFC), Dept. of Biology, University of Central Florida, PO
Box 162368, Orlando, Florida, 32816-2368, USA. stuartf at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu
(407) 823-6540 (no voice mail)  <http://biology.ucf.edu/bugs/>

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