[NHCOLL-L:1074] Lincoln Constance 1909-2001

Richard Moe rlmoe at uclink4.berkeley.edu
Tue Jun 12 21:29:28 EDT 2001

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is my sad duty to report that after a battle with pneumonia,
Professor Emeritus Lincoln Constance passed away June 11, 2001, at the age
of 92.

Lincoln was the patriarch of Botany at Berkeley and foremost expert on
Umbelliferae/Apiaceae systematics.  He was immensely influential in
shaping the modern history of the University and of systematic botany on
a worldwide level.  Lincoln's long and distinguished career began as a
graduate student with Willis Linn Jepson in the 30's. He was Curator of
Seed Plants in the University Herbarium beginning in the 40's, Chair of the
Department of Botany in the early 50's, Dean of the College of Letters
and Science from the mid-50's to early 60's, Vice-Chancellor of Academic
Affairs from the early to mid 60's, Director of the University Herbarium
from the early 60's to mid 70's and Trustee of the Jepson Herbarium from
1960 until his death.  In addition to his numerous professional
accomplishments, Lincoln was a true gentleman and an exceptionally
generous colleague, mentor, and friend. We will truly miss him.

A memorial service will be held in September. We will send more
information when it becomes available.


Brent D. Mishler

Brent D. Mishler
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology
     Director, University and Jepson Herbaria

herbaria at ucjeps.herb.berkeley.edu

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