[NHCOLL-L:975] Re: teleost question

Dennis Paulson dpaulson at ups.edu
Thu Mar 29 17:52:45 EST 2001

>Hi Dennis: Your question was an interesting one...did you get any answers?
>If so, could you let me know or maybe post it to the List? Thanks,
>Marilyn Massaro, Curator
>Museum of Nat. Hist., Providence RI

Hi, Marilyn.
Several people very kindly sent suggestions, but I got no solution to my
problem (actually, the question was from a student doing research here),
which was to find a teleost fish phylogeny to the family level.  The best
available on the web seems to be on the Tree of Life
(http://phylogeny.arizona.edu/tree/), in which only a few groups of
teleosts have included phylogenies.  Hopefully everyone on the list knows
of this website, which is full of good information.  Just click on the
group that interests you and follow the pages down to lower and lower
taxonomic levels.  It is very much "under construction," and hopefully it
will continue to expand.

Of course the most important thing to remember about the World Wide Web is
its incompleteness.  There are many, many published phylogenies that have
not found their way onto the Tree of Life - depends entirely on who
volunteered to work on one of the branches.

Thanks to all who responded to my question!


Dennis Paulson, Director                           phone 253-879-3798
Slater Museum of Natural History                 fax 253-879-3352
University of Puget Sound                       e-mail dpaulson at ups.edu
Tacoma, WA 98416

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