[NHCOLL-L:978] (no subject)

wheath wheath at mail.ukans.edu
Fri Mar 30 15:18:47 EST 2001

Hello All and please excuse the cross posting-
  I was wondering if anyone could tell me the source for small (30-60 cm), 
display-quality models of Pennsylvanian or otherwise late Paleozoic fish.  
We're assembling a diorama of the local fossil critters for a small Army corps 
of Engineers visitor center.  To this end, we're looking to include either a 
coelocanth or a distinctly non-modern looking shark in order to complete the 
grouping.  Ideally, it would have some life motion to it, rather than be 
absolutely straight, and relatively inexpensive (<$100).  This may be a pipe 
dream, I know, but I figured here of all places would be the best to ask.
       Scott Heath

Winfield Scott Heath II       University of Kansas      Geology Department
                 Lawrence, KS, 66049           785-864-2733

"Send me your address, and I'll mail you some mud."
                              Dr. Roger L. Kaesler, Jan 23, 2001, PaleoNet

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