[NHCOLL-L:1036] SPNHC symposium on contaminants in collections

Stephanie W. Pau stellaluna at eudoramail.com
Mon May 7 16:59:25 EDT 2001


I'm currently researching my Museum Studies Thesis on the pesticide contamination of Historical and Ethnographic collections and wondered if anybody knew where I could get my hands on the Minutes of the recent Symposium on "Preservation of Native American and Historical Natural History Collections Contaminated with Pesticide Residues".  Also, does anyone have any suggestions on other good sources of information on the subject (articles, books, etc).  This subject is very difficult to research since most of the articles are repetitive, and since most museum staff don't want to comment too much on the matter.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Stephanie Pau
Museum Studies Program, San Francisco State University

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