[NHCOLL-L:1041] Re: Heritage Hotline

Sally Shelton Shelton.Sally at NMNH.SI.EDU
Thu May 10 10:47:33 EDT 2001

NOTE: Please respond to the HP membership address below, not to me directly. Thanks!

Sally Y. Shelton
Collections Officer
National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC   20560-0107
phone (202) 786-2601, FAX (202) 786-2328
email Shelton.Sally at nmnh.si.edu

List owner, PERMIT-L

>>> HP Membership <membership at heritagepreservation.org> 05/10/01 10:44AM >>>
Good News From Washington

This week the administration changed its mind and decided to support the continuation of Save America's Treasures funding.  The original budget for FY 2002 eliminated the funding, but a supplemental request to Congress now asks that $30,000,000 for the program be restored.  An article in yesterday's Wall Street Journal said that First Lady Laura Bush supports the program.  Although funding will not be final until appropriations bills are passed in the fall, having administration support is a HUGE plus!  If you have questions or would like additional information, feel free to reply to this e-mail.


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