[NHCOLL-L:1766] MAP Grant Deadline Quickly Approaching! Act now!

Beth Merritt bmerritt at aam-us.org
Thu Nov 21 14:43:29 EST 2002

The December 1st postmark deadline for Museum Assessment Program (MAP)
grants from the Institute of Museum & Library Services is quickly
approaching!  Since December 1st falls on a Sunday this year, applications
postmarked Monday, December 2nd will be accepted.


Eligible museums applying for this deadline will begin the assessment
process in late Spring of 2003.  There will not be another opportunity for
these grants until the December 1, 2003 deadline!


Remember - the application is easy and downloadable from
www.aam-us.org/map.htm <http://www.aam-us.org/map.htm> .  If you have any
questions about readiness or how to complete the application, please contact
the MAP office at 202-289-9118 or map at aam-us.org.

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