[NHCOLL-L:2024] Re: Lack of voucher numbers for sequences.

Una Smith una at lanl.gov
Mon Aug 11 10:08:39 EDT 2003

Chris.Ecroyd at ForestResearch.co.nz wrote:
>Perhaps someone should give Genbank examples of why it should be

What exactly should GenBank do about it?  Refuse to accept accession
records that do not identify voucher specimens?  Contact the source
museum?  Complain to journal editors?  Scold the researcher?  Is the
organismal biology research community so undisciplined and immature
that we need GenBank to take on this role?

I think the folks at GenBank are smart enough not to touch this one.

	Una Smith

Los Alamos National Laboratory, MS K-710, Los Alamos, NM  87545

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