[NHCOLL-L:2040] Moving Collections

Jody Ullman collections at valivingmuseum.org
Fri Aug 15 17:34:23 EDT 2003

As Collections Manager of a Natural History museum, I have been tasked with developing a budget for the cleaning, packing and moving of our entire collections into a new collections storage area in the same building.  The collection consists of the following:
Zoological specimens- 30,000 mounts, eggs, nests, skeletons, etc. 
Fluid Collections-500 jars of various sizes
Herbarium specimens- 1000
Geological specimens-20,000
Palentological specimens- 120,000

If anyone has had experience moving such a  collection and is willing to impart information and advice, please reply off list at collections at valivingmuseum.org
Thank you,
Jody Ullmann
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