[NHCOLL-L:2041] Preparing bones for display

Jody Ullman collections at valivingmuseum.org
Fri Aug 15 17:41:13 EDT 2003

Pardon the cross-posting, but you never know where the answer might lie.

A bear skull has been donated to the museum, but needs some work on it before it can be ready for display or use in programs.  We do not have a person on staff who is familiar with bone prep, so it has fallen to me to figure this all out.  I have searched the internet and have found conflicting answers to the questions
1. How do you degrease the bones?
2. How do you whiten the bones?

What is the best (museum approved) method to do these steps in the preparation of the skull?  Since we do not do this very often, I do not have a lot of chemicals or a fume hood to use. I would appreciate the easiest, but most effective way considering my limitations.
    Thank you in advance for your help.
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