[NHCOLL-L:2056] ASPT initiates "HERBARIA" e-mail list

Ann Pinzl apinzl at worldnet.att.net
Tue Aug 26 11:19:30 EDT 2003

The American Society of Plant Taxonomists/ASPT has just announced its new e-mail list, which might be of interest to a number of NHCOLL subscribers.  You need not be an ASPT member to join.  ASPT just brought forth following notice: 

    We would like to invite everyone to join a new email list that will focus on issues related to herbaria. This idea of setting up this list was one product of a discussion on protecting and strengthening herbaria that was organized by Lynn Clark and Alan Prather and took place at our annual meeting in Mobile in late July.

    Maintaining support for herbaria and keeping them relevant in academia and society has long been problematic, but the pressures are increasing in the current environment. Most of us who manage herbaria are challenged with a full roster of duties besides those directly related to the herbarium, and therefore don't have time to be full-time fund-raisers, public relations gurus, or field-trip leaders. Yet to have a successful program, these are among the hats we are expected to wear.

    Because of the increasing pressures on herbaria, ASPT is sponsoring "HERBARIA", where we can share ideas and experiences relating to building and sustaining a broad basis of support for herbaria. To subscribe to the mailing list, go to http://scarab.science.oregonstate.edu/mailman/listinfo/herbaria If you have any questions or problems subscribing, please contact the list administrator, Aaron Liston, listona at science.oregonstate.edu

        Examples of information to share: If you have recently received "good press" in your local paper, share your experience with others, from how you first made contact with the reporter to how the press was received at your institution. If you need money for a project, ask the list for options for funding sources. If you have a great public education program, tell everyone how you did it.

    We hope this list will facilitate building upon our success and making a stronger, more interactive, herbarium community. Sincerely,

Aaron Liston, List Manager 

Lucinda McDade, ASPT President 

Alan Prather. ASPT Collections Committee Chair

Ann Pinzl
4020 Hobart Road
Carson City, Nevada 89703
phone: 775 883 0463

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