[NHCOLL-L:2062] Conference on Anoxic Environments

Chris Collins chric4 at nhm.ac.uk
Wed Aug 27 13:30:46 EDT 2003

NOOX3 – Papers are invited for the 3rd Conference on Oxygen Free and Reduced
Oxygen  Environments to be held jointly by the British Library and the
Natural History Museum, November 3rd-4th, 2003 at the British Library.

Following on from the successful NOOX meeting held in Cardiff in 1999, this
conference will review the use of oxygen free and reduced oxygen
environments for the long-term storage and short-term treatment of heritage
and cultural objects and archives.  Topics to be covered will include;
microenvironments, stability and use of barrier films, IPM and the use of
oxygen free environments for pest infestation, effects of oxygen on museum
and library specimens and methods of oxygen removal. Participants are
invited to submit papers for presentation and poster sessions at the

The second day of the meeting, to be held at the Natural History Museum will
be given over to practical demonstrations of the use of oxygen free
environments in museums and libraries.  Practical sessions will be held on
the use of oxygen free environments ad controlled environments for
pest-control and long-term storage.

Cost of the two-day event will be £ 75 with reduction for students.

Participants should contact David Jacobs (David.Jacobs at bl.uk) or Chris
Collins (chris.collins at nhm.ac.uk) for more information, a conference
registration form and information on how to submit an application to offer a
poster or paper.

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